Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blog: Social Networking Sites

In today's day and age, society seems to have an account with at least one of the major social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. In fact, I have an account of all the mentioned social networking sites because it allows me to stay updated with my family, my friends, the latest trends, and the news. Each of these platforms have a different purpose to give to the user, which can also be different to each user. For me, I use Facebook as a way to connect with my friends and family from all around. I can easily see the photos they shared of their vacations, growing family, and their passions. I primarily use twitter to keep up to date with trends but also to scroll through funny memes. Twitter has so many funny tweets or images to share especially with how short and concise of a message one could share with their followers. I use Pinterest whenever I need new creative ideas for certain events. For an example, I was in charge of my sister's bridal shower last summer. All I had in mind was what theme I wanted to try out but didn't know how to properly execute that idea. Therefore, I made a Pinterest account and looked up Bridal Shower and automatically had numerous hits on very helpful ideas. This was the sole reason why the bridal shower I threw was a success! Anytime you need to come up with creative ideas and you can't think of any, just log into Pinterest! Lastly, I use Instagram to share photos and see the photos that my friends post! This is probably the account that I am most active on because I can also ideas from this social networking site as well! If I want ideas on a specific topic, I could use a hashtag that can best describe this and look it up! Instantly can get hits off of that! Overall, each of these social networking sites have been proven to be beneficial in my day to day lifestyle. 

1 comment:

  1. It is very interesting that each of the four social networking sites that you mentioned have a different purpose and contribution towards your daily life. I also spend a large part of my free time on social networking sites and it is amazing to pause and consider how much these sites has now become part of my own life.
